Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day two...this is not going to be easy

Day two...this is not going to be easy

So I accomplished the day one goals of weighing myself and noticing what I ate. The weigh-in was depressing, of course, but not actually as completely horrendous as I was afraid it might be.  The noticing what I ate was easy.

We went to Joplin last night to shop and ate at HuHot's Mongolian Grill.  One could eat just about any type of diet one wanted there. All the meat and all the veggies you want.  One could go low fat, low card, vegan, vegetarian, high protien, just about anything.  I stuck to meat and veggies, very little carbs.  That was my personal taste, considering what they serve at HuHot's.  One thing I discovered, and I need to remember, is that I didn't need the Dr. Pepper I ordered without thinking.  It actually clashed in taste with the food I was eating.  I commented half-way through the meal that water would have been a much better taste choice as well as a better health choice.  I need to remember that when I'm eating out.  Unless it's something like pizza or something with eggs in it, ice water is fine with me.  (I always need an acidic beverage when I eat eggs.)

After our shopping we stopped at Andy's Custard and that's the part I should have had the discipline to just skip.  Even a small was a huge amount of custard.  I wasn't hungry but it tasted so good so I ate it anyway.  Those are the tough choices I'm going to need to make in the future.  I knew the people I was with wanted it so I went along.  I could easily have let them enjoy it without ordering any myself.  A matter of changing habits and mindset. 

Day two of the switch to a common sense American diet begins.

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